Wizart DCC Platform
for USD Pipeline

artist-friendly usdview on steroids

Open Source

Open Source*

We are working hard to make the product available as open-source project. Open-source is safer for your company since you can fix and debug it yourself.

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Cross Platform

We support Windows, Linux and Mac OS.

USD editing

Wizart DCC supports industry standard manipulators that authors USDXform attributes. Supported features like various snapping modes and edit pivot. You can group, duplicate and rename prims. We draw visual locators for USDLux and UsdCamera prim types, that you could be often missing in usdview.

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Multi USD Stage workflows

Wizart DCC allot you load to the session multiple USD Stages simultaneously and switch between them at any moment. It's handy if you want to edit asset data in shot context or neighbor shots.

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Compared to the other USD editors, except prim selection, we also support selecting points, edges, and faces, including Soft Selection mode. Using manipulators you can directly modify UsdGeom.points attribute, based on current selection, without complex import/export workflows.

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In development

USD Live Share for Modeling

Using the Live Share function, we can use rich third-party modeling and sculpting apps to send live edits between different processes. For example between Blender and Wizart DCC.

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Paint Instances Tool

Tool for interactive editing Point Instancer prim point cloud using the brushes.

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Paint Primvar Tool

The tool for editing Primvar attributes using the brush.

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Point Instancer Modeling

We also support selection of separate instances in Point Instancer. Plus you can directly edit Point Instancer prim point cloud using the manipulators.

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In development


Node Editor allows you to modify any USDShade networks interactively. With any Hydra Render Delegate in Viewport and other features of the Wizart DCC, you get a powerful lookdev environment.

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Wizart DCC Live Share

Using the function Live Share, we can interactively send USD deltas between instances of the Wizart DCC app, including between different workstations on the network.

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You can author animation using AnimX compatible animation curves animation engine. Using Graph Editor, so you can edit animation right inside the app.

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Hydra Rendering on disk

You can render image sequences USD staging using Hydra and you selected Render Delegate,using the UI or our console app usd_render.

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